Cultural Dimension: UPLIFT

The Flagship Project of EDUCE is UPLIFT or Unusual Possibilities for Learning Integral Freedom and Truth.  The acronym UPLIFT points to the kind of quality education that this Flagship Project will provide. It will uplift participants to discover their own higher potentials and place these actualized potentials in the service of their communities, the town itself, and beyond.

The overall objective of UPLIFT is to build an integral, multi-dimensional learning center to serve not only as venue for all major activities of UPLIFT but to serve as the town’s major cultural house and to become the opening venue for the LGU’s envisioned eco-agro-cultural tourism program. UPLIFT will be located in GAIA. (See below on the Societal Dimension of Larga Sustainable Zarraga.)

Elements of Integral Learning Center will include, among others:

  • Green building as cultural center of the town
  • Freedom Library (hard and digital books with e-readers) specializing on the various dimensions of inclusive and integral sustainable development
  • Stage for cultural performances
  • Display on best practices coming from the villages of the town
  • 21st century technology display center including 3-D laser exhibits and 3-D printers [1]

 [1] The 21st Century is the age of science and technology. Yet the Philippines has one of the lowest scientific literacy rates in the world. Advanced technology exhibits will increase appreciation for the central role that science plays in the post-modern world.