All Dimensions

The specific objectives of EMERGE have already been explained. (Click here.)

The Flagship Project integrating all dimensions of Zarraga-SIAD or Larga Sustainable Zarraga is EMERGE. These are projects and initiatives that one cannot really plan for but emerge from the actual activities of any of the SIAD Dimensions. In this specific case, the update is on KALAHI, a national program of Republic of the Philippines, one that Zarraga has taken on.

SEA has thoroughly explained, with pictures, the KALAHI planning and implementation cycle. Click here for details. What is exciting to report is that, thanks to the assistance of SEA, the town of Zarraga is in the top five of all towns in Western Visayas Region (consisting of over 115 towns) in terms of implementation. At this time, almost all the barangays (villages) of Zarraga have finished implementing their own projects. Those that have not do not have long to wait in terms of implementation. It is going to be merely a matter of finishing some detailed paper work in order to purchase a vehicle or an equipment. No construction is necessary. Most of the construction projects selected and done by the villagers themselves are already completed. See, for example, the irrigation works below.


Meanwhile, project implementation is just an aspect of KALAHI. There are also a lot of training sessions for village volunteers in terms of project management and accounting, among others. (See below.)


Ronie Bautista, head of SEA's Community Mobilization Team drives home a point.
Ronie Bautista, head of SEA’s Community Mobilization Team drives home a point.

Among other things, residents of the villages learn in depth about the KALAHI Project Cycle and what it all means in terms of the participation, empowerment, implementation and oversight.


The success of KALAHI which is helping over 80% of families (over 20,000 residents) in 24 villages cannot happen without a good solid team. SEA’s Ronie Bautista is the Head of the town’s Municipal Coordinating Team.


Department heads and the town’s subject experts also help out in the process.


And once in a while, visitors from other countries enable villagers to appreciated better the importance of what they are doing.
