This week at SEA Inc.’s Inner Conditioning Workshop, reflections ranged from celebrating small victories to wrestling with the divine “not yet.” The staff, as always, proved that resilience and a touch of wit are their secret weapons.

Angelic, basking in the warm welcome of local officials, declared, “It’s good to feel the presence of the Brgy. officials in welcoming the newly assigned community facilitator to the area. I’m grateful to those who appreciate my efforts. It wasn’t a stressful week; I was able to handle everything.” One imagines her sipping a metaphorical (or literal) cup of tea, a picture of serene efficiency.

Carlo, navigating unfamiliar Iloilo routes, found joy in teamwork. “I appreciate the efforts exerted by the staff, especially since I am not familiar with the routes in Iloilo. Small things matter, and the participation of stakeholders in activities is significant. They know how to lead, which is an indicator of the impact we’re making and shows that the team is doing well.” He essentially said, “We’re so good, even I could find my way around.

Angela, ever the optimist, offered a mantra: “Be grateful for everything, whether small or big. Last week was productive in New Lucena. Don’t let stress overpower you; focus on all the good things. No stress, no worries—just be happy.” One suspects her secret weapon is a mental “delete” button for anything negative.

Anne Loren, embracing her solo fieldwork, quipped, “I’m happy to be in the field. Although I don’t have a partner here in AMA, I’m not worried about being here alone. I don’t mind if my productivity is a hassle at work.” She’s mastered the art of turning solitude into a superpower, or perhaps she just has a very good playlist.

Rosanna, facing potential challenges with the people’s council, found solace in partnership. “Although I felt a bit nervous and challenged by the information I received about the people’s council and its potential outcome, personally, I am happy if this initiative succeeds. Last week brought its own set of circumstances, but I am thankful for Ann’s presence and assistance in every activity.” She said, “I’m nervous, but at least I’m not alone in my nervousness!”

Ann, ever the sage, reminded everyone of the power of gratitude and grace. “Be thankful for all the blessings and the people around you. Every day brings something to be grateful for, even in challenging times. Whenever external factors or obstacles arise, approach them with grace and understanding.

It’s important to remember that every problem, no matter how big, will eventually be resolved, and everything will fall into place in due time.” She’s the team’s walking fortune cookie, dispensing wisdom with a side of practicality.

Gideon, grappling with the complexities of prayer, shared a candid reflection. “All about my prayer – not all the time am I prayerful. Some of my prayers are answered with a ‘Yes,’ and some are answered with a ‘No.’ It makes me reflect on myself, realizing that some prayers are answered, and I must still put my faith in God. 

Not all unanswered prayers will remain unanswered; they will be answered at the perfect time. Also, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’” He’s essentially saying, “God’s on his schedule, and sometimes that schedule includes a divine ‘hold please.’”

Cheryl, embracing the rollercoaster of life, declared, “My reflection from the past week is to celebrate small wins and failures because it will keep you on track where your life is going. Things that happened last week sometimes made me crazy, there were moments I just laughed at my problems even if it could make me cry big time. But still, I get up and thank God every morning for another day gifted from him.” She’s discovered that laughter (and perhaps a few tears) can be the best coping mechanism and that celebrating the little things keeps you sane.

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