Written by: Ronie Z. Bautista

The Solution Ecosystem Activators, Inc, (SEA) expands in Luzon and Mindanao respectively. On February 22, 2024 was considered as the significant landmark for SEA Good Governance Program: Participatory Accountability and Transparency towards Sustainable Integrated Area Development (IPAT SIAD) by gaining foothold to the promised land of Mindanao, southern Philippines. Everything started in dream and later on concretize into a plan for the said expansion. As agreed, the expansion will start from the town of Kauswagan in Lanao del Norte as the launching base. For the obvious reasons that Mayor Rommel C. Arnado the Local Chief Executive (LCE) and the current Chairperson of the League of Organic Municipalities and Cities (LOAMCP) committedly will assist SEA and temporarily will accommodate the newly deployed SEA staff for Mindanao for security and easy coordination. The LCE himself will help out in identifying the future Local Government Unit (LGU) partners for IPAT SIAD Program of SEA in Mindanao.

After all considerations and preliminaries has been done, the supportive mayor of Kauswagan recommended the three possible LGUs to become the local partners for IPAT SIAD. But, these municipalities will be subject for selection process using the criteria set by the project through actual area visit/s and due diligence. Relevant data and information will be gathered, process and analyze in order to finalize the LGU partner.

Hopefully, within this month, will commence the coordination, initial data gathering and possible due diligence to the first ready municipality. With all the best SEA, Inc. is hoping for smooth and good partnership with the prospective LGU. May God bless the Project Team and its target Stakeholders for the success of this endeavor.

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