The past few weeks were intense and filled with force, but I found satisfaction in knowing that I tackled everything with a positive mindset. I learned to manage my time better, so I wouldn’t rush through tasks. Meditation before bed and after waking up has become my secret weapon, boosting my energy and allowing me to face each day with positivity and purpose. This practice has not only increased my productivity but has also influenced those around me by radiating calm and focus in the workplace.

Being patient is a virtue, both personally and professionally. I’ve realized that in every challenging moment, patience is key to growth. Whether at work or in life, this practice has helped me navigate difficult situations with grace, and it has empowered those around me to approach obstacles with a similar mindset, fostering a more supportive environment.

Anne Loren “What we feed our minds, we nourish in our bodies.”

As I strive to be patient with others, I’ve recognized the importance of extending that same patience to myself. It’s easy to give grace to those around us, but sometimes we forget that we, too, deserve kindness and understanding. This awareness has helped me build a stronger sense of self-compassion, which ultimately reflects in how I treat others.

Rosanna: “Knowing my weaknesses is the first step toward overcoming them.”

Self-assessment has been a powerful tool for me. Understanding my strengths and limitations has been humbling, but it has also motivated me to do my best and strive for improvement. Acknowledging my weaknesses has given me the drive to push through difficulties, and in doing so, I’ve inspired others in the team to embrace their challenges with courage and a growth mindset.

Gideon: “In the power of positivity, I heal, I grow, I thrive.”

The ICW has reminded me of my potential. It has helped me heal both physically and mentally, and it has improved my ability to multitask while keeping a positive outlook. This shift has allowed me to contribute more effectively to the team and has strengthened my belief in the power of a positive mindset. The community benefits from this energy, as positivity and resilience have become contagious.

Cheryl: “When life deletes your work, breathe, reset, and rebuild.”

Breathing exercises became my lifeline during a recent crisis. While revamping a website, everything was accidentally deleted at the last moment. Panic could have taken over, but instead, I turned to the breathing exercises we learned in the ICW. They helped me stay calm, regain confidence, and find the strength to rebuild everything from scratch. This experience taught me the power of resilience, and now I approach challenges with patience and faith, encouraging others to remain calm under pressure as well.

Ronie: “Surrendering to God’s timing brings peace beyond understanding.”

He recently experienced a period of great challenges and inner turmoil, particularly feeling the heavy burden of finding a replacement CF for the SEA Sibagat Team. Amid this struggle, he chose to take a pause, reflect, and seek comfort in the word of God. One passage stood out to him: “When the right time comes, I will make it happen quickly. I am the Lord.” – Isaiah 60:22

As Ronie reflected on these words, he found himself questioning why the process had been so difficult. But through meditating on this passage, he realized that the key was to fully surrender this burden to God. The moment he did, the answer came almost immediately—a new CF was found, filling his heart with gratitude. This experience reinforced his faith in God’s timing and His reliability. When we completely surrender our worries to Him, He moves swiftly and with purpose.

This experience not only deepened Ronie’s faith but also brought him profound relief and trust in the process. By letting go of control and placing his worries in God’s hands, he felt lighter, more focused, and better equipped to lead with clarity. His newfound trust in divine timing extended into his work and interactions with others, creating a ripple effect of calm and faith within the team. His act of surrender became an inspiration, reminding everyone that when we trust in the right timing, things often fall into place in ways we could never have orchestrated ourselves.

Anne: “Courage is the bridge that takes us from habit to transformation.”

We all have default reactions when faced with negativity or stress—panic, fear, or anger. But this workshop has taught me that we need “lakas ng loob” (courage) to strengthen our inner selves and fight back against our conditioned responses. We must become aware of these habits and actively work to overcome them. This shift has empowered me to take control of my emotions, and it has inspired others to do the same, creating a more supportive and emotionally intelligent environment.

The impact of the Inner Conditioning Workshop reaches far beyond just our individual growth. It has strengthened our relationships with one another and enhanced our ability to serve the community. By transforming ourselves, we are creating a ripple effect that touches every life we interact with.

Together, we are stronger, more patient, more focused, and more capable of overcoming the challenges ahead.

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