Day 2 of the Inner Conditioning Workshop with Mr. Nicanor Perlas was a journey into the depths of our minds, exploring the intricate connections between our hearts and brains, and uncovering the truths that guide us towards authentic living. The day began with a powerful reminder: every experience in our lives, whether joyful or traumatic, finds its way into our cranium. These experiences shape us, for better or worse, and it’s up to us to decide how they influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Mr. Perlas emphasized that science is only the beginning—an entry point into a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. He introduced us to the three keys to achieving heart-brain harmony: shift focus, shift breathing, and shift feeling. This harmony, he explained, is just the beginning of a transformative journey. Science, ever-evolving, continues to search for the real truth—a truth that leads us to freedom. But how do we access this truth? According to Mr. Perlas, it requires two things: the “Given” and active thinking. The “Given” is what comes to our consciousness, either through outer perceptions (what we see, hear, and sense) or inner insights and feelings. Active thinking, on the other hand, is the process of synthesizing this information to arrive at the truth. Only through this process can we attain freedom, which in turn leads to our higher self, authenticity, and true purpose.


The workshop delved into profound philosophical ideas, touching on the teachings of Socrates, who famously said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates’ method of questioning triggers deep thinking, pushing us to reflect on our lives and beliefs. This reflective thinking is not just an intellectual exercise—it’s a bridge to knowing our true selves and living in alignment with our highest potential.


Mr. Perlas spoke of the journey to the higher self as a challenging one, often obstructed by the habits ingrained in our bodies and minds. These habits, formed by societal conditioning, can act as barriers to our true nature. Yet, the resurrection of our higher self is possible through the pursuit of truth and the exercise of free thinking. Free thinking, as Mr. Perlas described, is the ability to think independently, without being unduly influenced by external authorities, societal norms, or preconceived beliefs. It’s about questioning, analyzing, and forming opinions based on reason, evidence, and personal experience. This practice is crucial in bridging the gap between our authentic self and our conditioned self. The conditioned self is shaped by external influences—cultural norms, upbringing, education, and societal expectations. It often conforms to beliefs and behaviors imposed by others, sometimes at the expense of our true nature. Free thinking allows us to recognize this conditioning, critically analyze it, and choose which aspects to keep and which to discard.


Throughout the day, Mr. Perlas emphasized that thinking is the dynamic process that bridges our authentic higher self and our conditioned self. It allows us to be aware of both aspects, to discern and integrate them, and ultimately, to transform and grow. This process of integration leads to a life of integrity and fulfillment, where our actions and decisions are increasingly informed by the wisdom of our higher self. One of the most profound insights of the day was the idea that the higher self transcends physical limitations and is connected to universal and eternal truths. Through thinking, we can recognize that the higher self is infinite, boundless, and not confined by time, space, or material conditions. This realization opens the door to a deeper understanding of our existence and our place in the world.


As the day drew to a close, the participants were left with a powerful message: the journey to the higher self is not easy, but it is necessary. It requires us to question, reflect, and think deeply about our lives and the world around us. It is through this process that we can achieve true freedom, authenticity, and a life of purpose.


In conclusion, Day 2 of the Inner Conditioning Workshop was a transformative experience that challenged us to think deeply, question our conditioning, and strive for a higher understanding of ourselves and the world. Mr. Perlas guided us through a journey of self-discovery, reminding us that the truth is not just something we find—it’s something we must actively seek and embody in our lives. Through free thinking, we can bridge the gap between our conditioned self and our authentic self, leading us to a life of true purpose and fulfillment.


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