Written by: Rosanna Pandes-Constantino

Drivers may not wear capes, but they’re undoubtedly unsung heroes in our society. Day after day, they brave the roads, transporting people where they need to go, all while earning just enough to fuel their tricycles and feed their families. Amid rising oil prices and the high costs of maintenance, tricycle drivers continue to push through, providing essential transportation despite the odds.

In Barangay Damires, New Lucena, and Iloilo, these hardworking individuals show what true dedication looks like. Most tricycle drivers here make just enough to cover gas and a ganta of rice—far from a luxury, but enough to get by in an environment where the number of tricycles often outweighs the number of passengers.

Recognizing the challenges faced by tricycle drivers, Solution Ecosystems Activator (SEA) Inc. stepped in to make a difference. SEA’s initiative to organize the transport sector came to fruition in November 2022 with the creation of the Damires Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association (DATODA). Now, for the first time, tricycle drivers in Damires have an official voice at the municipal level. This new sense of unity and representation has opened doors for new opportunities, including membership in the Collective IPAT-SIAD Team (CIT) in partnership with the LGU of New Lucena.

Through their involvement in the IPAT-SIAD program, DATODA’s concerns have been heard at both the barangay and municipal levels. The association has gained access to essential resources and support, like the cash subsidy from the national government, which provides some relief amid the difficult conditions.

But the transformation doesn’t stop there. In October 2023, DATODA achieved another milestone: it officially registered with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). This legal recognition means the drivers can now present themselves officially to government agencies, opening up new avenues for support and advocacy.

With their newfound recognition, the association is already looking ahead. They’re planning to set up a Motorcycle Shop to meet the needs of their members—and perhaps even the broader community. This project will not only help DATODA members maintain their vehicles, but it also stands as a testament to their growing unity and ambition.

While there’s still some technical assistance needed to enhance their leadership and management skills, the group’s enthusiasm is undeniable. They’re driven—pun intended—to continue improving their lives and the lives of others through responsible and dedicated service to the commuting public.

The story of DATODA is one of resilience, solidarity, and progress. These drivers have gone from struggling to survive to becoming a unified force for change. With the right support, the future looks bright for this group. It’s time we recognize the crucial role of our drivers and support initiatives like SEA’s IPAT-SIAD program, which empowers them to drive forward, not just for themselves, but for their entire community.

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