Where are we going?
As a non-stock, non, profit civil society organization, SEA, Inc. aims to activate solution ecosystems (See link: Participatory Community Planning Workshop ) in their partner communities that address pervasive, recurring, and/or systemic challenges facing whole towns and cities as well as other local and national sectoral issues including but not limited to disaster risk reduction and management, sustainable agriculture, bayanihan or solidarity economics, holistic education, renewable energy, alternative health, social entrepreneurship, empowering of indigenous people, cultural transformation and others.
As SEA, Inc. works hand in hand with its partner communities several outputs have been achieved including the strategic action plan. But where exactly is SEA, Inc. going to with course? What is the end goal of all these planning?
Here is the answer. Below is the integration of process of the SEA, Inc. SIAD 2.0 framework in the municipal level and SIAD 3.0 framework in the barangay level.

SEA, Inc. is now entering the phase of presentation, validation and adoptation of the Strategic Plan that has been achieved by the Participatory Community Planning Workshop Team in the Council Meeting and General Assembly of its partner communities. The presentation, validation and adoptation of the Strategic Plans in the council are scheduled this September 2019 depending on the scheduled date of Council Meetings of each partner communities.

Brgy. Rombang, Belison, Antique has started the course of the presentation, validation and adoptation of Strategic Plan in their council meeting last September 2, 2019.
Brgy. San Antonio and Brgy. Pedada of Ajuy are scheduled on September 15, 2019, Brgy Punta Buri, Ajuy will be on September 21, 2019 and Brgy. Salacay, Cabatuan will be scheduled at a later date of September, 2019. Brgy. Legayada on the other hand still has no schedule yet since they have not consolidated their Strategic Plan.
The above said barangays will also be presenting their Strategic Plans during their scheduled General Assemblies where they will be inviting Provincial and Municipal Department Heads as well as their Mayors to sit down and hear their plans for their barangays with a hope of better partnerships and collaborations.
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