Written by: Christine Joy Bugarin
In today’s era, the Philippines is now called the “new Philippines”, where every woman is given equitable opportunities, not hindered by gender biases and discriminatory stereotypes. Each woman has the chance to show and harness her potential, to actively engage and reap the benefits throughout the nation, and to conquer the universe as well.

On March 22, 2024, the Solution Ecosystems Activator (SEA), Inc. family eagerly joined the Municipality of New Lucena in their 2nd“JUANA FUN, JUANA RUN” program to commemorate the celebration of National Women’s Month with the theme: “Lipunang Patas sa Bagong Pilipinas; Kakayahan ng Kababaihan, Patutunayan!”. The event initiated actively by its Municipal Mayor, Hon. Liecel Mondejar-Seville who gave her inspirational message. Followed by messages of support from Hon. Isabelo Acollador, Municipal Vice Mayor, and Hon. Valentino Calumay, President of Liga ng mga Barangay, who gave more information or background about the said event.
This event has shown the importance of women through its advocacy and has had great accomplishments since it began. It has a positive affirmation and a call to action for every woman to be strong and brave in whatever situation will come. This is a testament to the milestones achieved in closing gender gaps in the country and maintaining its status in society.

This event highlighted the collaborative efforts of government agencies, private sectors, and civil society organizations to specifically address gender equity in our society. With their full support of this advocacy, it uplifts the power of women in nature as a whole. As G.D. Anderson said, “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong; it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.”
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