National Conference

Sustainable agriculture including permaculture, organic and bio-dynamic farming have been with us in the Philippines since the 1980s. Yet many practitioners and supporters are not aware of the tremendous 21st century innovations and developments in sustainable agriculture: from scientific innovations and technological refinements; new approaches to the market in the context of solidarity economics; massive LGU involvement in organic farming; inner conditioning to nurture creativity, innovation and commitment; deeper understanding of systemic connections in agriculture; convergence of initiatives for greater impact; to creating new cultures based on post-materialist sciences that affirm the active presence and working of the spiritual in nature, communities, and the universe. In addition, more and more people are beginning to realize how deeply embedded they are in web of life that agriculture makes possible: from farmers, doctors, research scientists, teachers, students, business people, cooks, restaurants, supermarkets, coops, communities, networks to consumers. This is the Ecosystem of Stakeholders in Sustainable Agriculture. This National Conference on Organic 4.0 will share some of the best practices in sustainable agriculture. It will also be a venue to convergence with other stakeholders and emerge new collective initiatives together to give greater energy to a rapidly growing movement. The National Conference is the inaugural conference of the Ecosystem of Stakeholders in Sustainable Agriculture (ESSA). The goal of ESSA is to bring all the key stakeholders of sustainable agriculture together and emerge new inspiring action that would make sustainable agriculture the dominant form of farming in the Philippines, eradicate poverty in rural areas and improve the health of consumers. For registration and for more information, contact the ESSA Secretariat at: Telephone No: (033) 338 2376 Contact No: 0907 061 2226 Email us at To engage with the advocacy, join us and fill-up the online registration form NOW! and this the final program that may subject to change.

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