Forum: Climate Change and El Niño

(July 11, 2014)

PAGASA reported that El Niño would peak October 2014 and probably continue until late the following year. Experts predicted this would be worse than the El Niño felt in the Philippines in the year 1998 which affected almost 74,000 hectares of agricultural lands in 18 provinces in the country. As a response, SEA in partnership with Department of Agriculture and civil society group POPA (Panay Organic Producers Association) organized a Lecture/Forum For Western Visayas in Iloilo City.

The objectives were to impart timely and relevant information that would help the participants cope with the challenges of climate change and El Niño as well as to emerge issues and experiences that would help deepen the topics at hand. Expected from this event was the networking opportunities for the various stakeholders.